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Origin: Mexico

The espinosilla, also known as Loeselia mexicana, has various names such as suckerrose, blind hen, San Antonio grass, almaraduz, among others. It has been used in traditional Mexican medicine to treat different ailments, such as: reducing body temperature, preventing hair loss and the appearance of dandruff, as well as helping against headaches and respiratory diseases.

It is prepared as an infusion combined with oregano, cinnamon, ocote, violet flowers, or applied in washes. It is also used in baths after childbirth, combined with achanclan.

One tip of use is to grind it and dissolve it in water or pulque to relieve hangovers.


It is prepared as an infusion combined with oregano, cinnamon, ocote, violet flowers, or applied in washes. It is also used in baths after childbirth, combined with achanclan.

One tip of use is to grind it and dissolve it in water or pulque to relieve hangovers.