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Origin: Europe and Asia
Mullein, also known as “verbasco” or “pox herb”, is used in traditional medicine due to its expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties.
It has been used to relieve respiratory conditions such as coughs, bronchitis, and the common cold. In addition, it is attributed with soothing and healing properties, which is why it is also used in the form of poultices to treat minor wounds and burns.
To prepare a mullein infusion, you can use the dried leaves and flowers of the plant. To prepare a mullein infusion, you can use the dried leaves and flowers of the plant. It is recommended to drink this mullein infusion several times a day to obtain its benefits.
To prepare a mullein infusion, you can use the dried leaves and flowers of the plant. To prepare a mullein infusion, you can use the dried leaves and flowers of the plant. It is recommended to drink this mullein infusion several times a day to obtain its benefits.