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Origin: Tropical areas of Africa and Arabia. Aloe vera, also known as Aloe vera, is a medicinal plant that has various health properties and is used in beauty treatments.

The medicinal properties of aloe vera include its ability to soothe burns, wounds, and skin problems such as dermatitis and psoriasis. It has also been used to improve digestion, strengthen the immune system and as an antioxidant. To prepare Aloe Vera infusion, it is recommended to let it rest over low heat for 30 minutes to achieve the right flavor. Also don’t forget to sweeten to your liking.


The medicinal properties of aloe vera include its ability to soothe burns, wounds, and skin problems such as dermatitis and psoriasis. It has also been used to improve digestion, strengthen the immune system and as an antioxidant. To prepare Aloe Vera infusion, it is recommended to let it rest over low heat for 30 minutes to achieve the right flavor. Also don’t forget to sweeten to your liking.