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Origin: Mexico Tepescohuite, also known as tepezcohuite, is a medicinal herb native to Mexico. The bark of the root and trunk of the plant is mainly used to prepare infusions and other medicinal products. Among the medicinal properties of tepescohuite are its healing and regenerative effects on the skin. It has traditionally been used to treat burns, cuts, wounds and other skin injuries. Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties are also attributed to it.
Tepescohuite tea is prepared by boiling water and adding the dried or powdered bark. Let it rest for a few minutes and then strain it before consuming it. You can also find commercial products such as ointments and creams that contain tepescohuite extract.
Tepescohuite tea is prepared by boiling water and adding the dried or powdered bark. Let it rest for a few minutes and then strain it before consuming it. You can also find commercial products such as ointments and creams that contain tepescohuite extract.