Product families
Flavors from Mexico and other parts of the world, a great cupboard of aromas, colors and textures are here, get to know us.
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The trunk of the Guayacán is the medicinal part from which the resin called chácata and guaiacol are obtained, which serve as a diaphoretic stimulant, laxative, diuretic, purgative and even as a source of antioxidants.
Guarumbo, or also known as "yarumo" or "guarumo", is traditionally used for various medicinal uses.
The gourd cirial is a special fruit that comes from the tree known as the "Sacred Tree of the Mayans" or "Jícaras Tree", it is used in traditional medicine due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Guácima, also known as "guasima" or "white guayacán", is used in traditional medicine to treat various conditions.
Mullein, also known as "verbasco" or "pox herb", is used in traditional medicine due to its expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties.
The governor, also known as "caltrop" or "prickly poppy" in English, is a medicinal herb to which analgesic, anti-inflammatory, sedative and diuretic properties are attributed.
Ginkgo biloba is a medicinal herb that has been used for over 2,000 years to treat various ailments related to the brain and blood flow.
The stallion, also known as sheep's tail, is used in traditional medicine to treat various conditions.
Linden flowers are used in traditional medicine due to their sedative and relaxing properties.
Elderflower has been used in traditional medicine to treat various conditions.
The manita flower is used in traditional medicine to treat various conditions.
Eyebright, or also known as "eyebreaker" due to its traditional use for eye problems, is primarily used to relieve eye conditions such as conjunctivitis, eye irritations, and allergies.